New Site! (Again... )

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New Site! (Again... )

Post by CharmfulPeace »

Hello all,

I apologize for any inconvenience with the last site and the number of site style changes in the past couple of months.
Initially, Our WordPress blog site had encountered serious issues, so, in order to get the site back up as soon as possible, I deleted the files and switched over to e107 CMS software.
e107 is a great CMS software that I've used for a decade and enjoy using still. However, there were some elements of the newer version that I did not find to be the most appealing for a functional forums website.

Yesterday, I was going through my bookmarks and came across my dad's original UT99 clan website, which my mom made, and I decided to download it to archive it and clean up all the ads that were festering throughout - courtesy of the website that was hosting it. While I was doing this, I started to really appreciate the layout style that my mom had done and decided to take some inspiration from it.

Today, I began playing around with a whole new website setup, which is the one that you are currently viewing. It turned out pretty good and, as a bonus, even looks great on Mobile!

So, Again, apologies for all of the issues and switch-ups that have been done, but this is going to be the final draft of the website.

If there are any issues, absolutely let me know as soon as you can via Teamspeak or Discord, which can be added by search up my Username in the Add Friend section.

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