Jump Height: We have all heard that Blade Can't jump as High as Dave. It has become a meme....We all (myself included) thought it was ridiculous! How could one player have a different jump height than another. At some point me and Blade did do some testing and I must admit that it did appear that Blade was correct. (as much as I didn't want to admit it)... That brings us to today. the last few days I was having an issue with my jump height. I asked Dan if he changed it on the server. He had not. I couldn't figure out why I couldn't make jumps that I could last week. The only thing that I could think of was that I had played on the 1T1F server (ACE Mod), but how could that change my jump height. Dan told me to check my Config File, maybe deleted it or back it up or create a new one. In doing my research I did notice something weird in game. I noticed that my FPS was 500FPS, it had always been 333 in the past and I didn't change it. I researched changing it back to 333 and found out that the MAX FPS setting does affect JUMP HEIGHT. Who would have though! Here is the results i found online.
63 FPS or lesser- jump only to 39.5 units max (exception are 52 and 55 FPS. Those values can used like analog of 71 FPS)
71 FPS. Character jump to 40 units stably. 40.5 units is impossible for this value. Same results for 76 FPS
83 FPS, 90 FPS and 100 FPS are bad again - 39.5 units max
111 FPS - 40 and 40.5 units are overcame
125 FPS - 41 height unit overcame
142, 166 and 200 FPS - strange fall again. Character overcame 39.5 units max
250 FPS - 42 units line overcame
333 FPS - same is for cod 2, with 333 fps you can jump at 46 units.
500 FPS - bugged value again. Character runs silently and jumping only at 35 units if you stay close and jump. But If u go back and jump, your jump will be about 39 units
1000 FPS - fully similar with 500 fps
Once I changed it back to 333 all my problems were solved. Who would have thunk it?
Anyways we need to check Blades FPS and help him get to 333 FPS so that he can jump as far as us.
And we probably all owe him an apology! He was right and we were wrong.
Jump Height and MAX FPS
- Capt.Dan
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Re: Jump Height and MAX FPS
Very interesting! Definitely would never have thought that FPS would affect a game mechanic like that, but it does!
I did that on my end last night and immediately noticed a difference - I became Superman!
I did that on my end last night and immediately noticed a difference - I became Superman!

For the record - The command to change, in game, is "/com_maxfps 333" after hitting the ~ key

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